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Intuitive Human School

Pulse of Life endeavors to offer education that is in alignment with its mission and values. Our mission is to serve as a resource for individuals to reconnect to the deeper understanding of who they are, and deepen their awareness of connection to the greater Life Force that rules all things. We endeavor to create offerings and training that will help individuals deepen their ability to transform their own world, and extend that assistance to others if they so desire.

Introduction/Part One Online Video Workshop
Wednesday, January 31, 2018
6:30-7:15 pm Mountain
Log-In information Further Below


This online video workshop discusses the increased need to maintain an energy field that is free of "interference" in order to thrive in our current world. It will touch on recent reports of remote monitoring, infiltration and manipulation, and also offer a basic understand of protection and how to create that.


The WHY:


With the current state of world ffairs, in particular the state of the US government, reports of remote monitory, increased infiltration and manipulation have surfaced, particularly on sites that are known to tend toward conspiracy theory. With a personal history of these experiences, however, I know these possibilities do exist, particularly for individuals who carry a lot of Light and awareness. Learn more, how to up your awareness and discernment, and put energies in place to maintain peace.

Free/By Contribution. Contributions to:

This event will be recorded. MP3 of the recording is available for a minimum $5 contribution at the link above.

Meeting Log-In:

- To Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android, go to:

- Via iPhone one-tap : US: +16699006833,,816429949# or +16468769923,,816429949#

- Via Phone: Dial (for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location): US: +1 669 900 6833 or +1 646 876 9923


Meeting ID: 816 429 949


International numbers available:

Soul Work® - What It Is

Soul Work is the process that created itself through my own journey of healing deep trauma from childhood and early adult sexual and emotional abuse, and arose from almost 20 years of study of several energy methods, Akashic Records readings work, and study around "inheritance" of geneologic, ancestral and lineage of mental/emotional and physical patterns that affect our life experiences. As I began working with others in the process I used on myself, I found that I could communicate with an individual's Soul and help them see, work with and resolve the Life Lessons that were presenting in their own current experience.

It is possible to transform destructive patterns in our life on an energetic level beginning at "the beginning" of those patterns. Many times these aren't even from this current incarnation, but are "unfinished business" that follow us from other lifetimes for us to finally complete. Sometimes we agree on an unconscious or Soul level to take on another's pain and illness to help them heal. Whatever the agreements we have made, they show up in our life experiences many times as things we don't want, such as illness, poverty/financial issues and more. Just as we have created these agreements, so we can complete them and create something else. That recreation of ourselves at a "higher" - more evolved - level is the true purpose of Soul Work.

If you have experienced a Soul Work session, you know how deeply powerful and transforming it is, and that you usuallyfeel a deep sense of completion and new-found freedom afterward. You may also experience shifting of difficulties in your life that may not have budged before. 

With the current dynamics on the Earth, it is more important than ever that advanced tools that work on the Quantum (intentional) and Soul levels are available. We have created two levels of study/training for individuals. All individuals begin with the Self Transformation course, which is the basic starting point for Soul Work self-healing. Want to become a Soul Work practitioner? You can go further to the advanced level, which is the completion of the certification-based training equipping you to work with others on a very deep level.

All individuals are welcome to attend the Introduction to Soul Work® event on January 7. This event will give you an experience of what is possible when working in the deep levels of Intention and Soul healing. You will come away with some helpful tools that you can use even if you do nothing else.

If you choose to go on and attend one of the training courses, the cost of the Introduction will be applied toward your tuition of either course. 

Introduction to Soul Work® Video Talk and Demo
Date Forthcoming
Cost is applicable toward tuition of the Soul Work® Process for Self-Transformation. Same day purchase is required. You may advance purchase both at the link

This fun and informative talk and demonstration will introduce you to the deep transforming abilities of Soul Work and the possibilities of its powerful presence in your life. You will come away with some amazing tools to use on yourself to help you move forward from "stuckness" to freedom. 


NOTE: The information provided in this talk and demonstration does not imply or intend instruction on or "certification" as a Soul Work® Practitioner, and does not provide the necessary information, training and tools to work with others in this process. 

The Soul Work® Process for Self-Transformation
- Video Course dates: Tuesday evenings, 
7-9 PM TBA
- Recorded Conference Call: Tuesday, February27, 2018
7-8:30 pm Mountain (approx end time) 

Some particulars of this course include:

~ Introduction to Soul Connection: What it is, what it does, and why it is important.

~ Introduction to the Akashic Records: What are the Records? What can we receive from them.

~ Introduction to Intuitive Awareness: Accessing and strengthening Intuition, hearing your guidance.

~ Includes live/recorded Question & Answer Conference Call after the workshop



Purchase desired workshops at the link below

Soul Work® Practitioner Certified Training Course
beginning March/April, 2018
Check back for details

Check back for dates, information and registration. 

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