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The Story About PULSE

Over the last several months, as several billion of us watched political issues and unrest escalate in the US and around the world, it became very clear that something more, a way that is much greater than us and what we have embraced before, is needed to help bridge the gap of information, knowing, and being of what life truly is. There has always seemed to be a subtle yet nearly impenetrable line between what is considered "spiritual" and "mainstream," and the ability to share wisdom about the "inner" ways of navigating life and accessing deeper peace. It could be that information that has been "exclusionary" to one group or another, many times perceived as or shared in a manner that is too "woo woo" for individuals to understand.

So...why is accessing this deeper, wiser, more peaceful space within us considered "spiritual?" Why is it considered "healing?" Why isn't it mainstream? It's like yoga, or weight lifting, or walking - it's a part of us, whether we access it or not. It's part of a simple daily practice to feel good. to offer information in a way that is, first, understandable and non-threatening? And second, how to offer it in a way that is truly experiential on a level of deep knowing?


What if it is time to bring what many of us know and currently share in small niches out of that small niche and into the light? Isn't it time to share this knowledge, this "inner way" of being human, in a much more accessible and understandable way, to a broader audience in the form of "inner" life education? Doesn't it belong more in schools for our children as part of their curriculum? In parks? In businesses? Everywhere? The knowledge and know-how of our human abilities, our capacities that far exceed anything we have been taught and what we "see" as the truth needs to be known. Isn't it time this is made accessible. Mainstreamed. For everyone?


This is a far-reaching endeavor - the Pulse of Life global educational project. While it may eventually be a school, an institute, an academy, for now it will offer virtual, live-stream and in-person offerings about expansion, awareness, human capabilities, sound vibration and energy - about a deeper "inner" connection to life. We are already connected to this pulse. As children, we know it, we play with it, we dance in it. It just is. As adults, our connection to this permeating Life Force can become dulled, sometimes forgotten, by our outwardly focused life, demands, jobs, money issues, etc. Isn't it time to reconnect...


Initially the Pulse of Life project will be structured in a way that offers presentations, lectures, classes and workshops locally, and by videos and live stream via youtube and from many different individuals who hold a similar vision and expertise in their offerings. Many of these offerings will be free. 


Some of the curriculum will include traditional systems and methodologies that have deep roots in ancient wisdom, such as Usui Reiki. This wisdom imparts a deep shift into undiluted consciousness/awareness in its initiation. While "what" is offered will help individuals reconnect awareness to remember how to work with the vibration of life, the ultimate goal is for it to "become" the individuals. Modalities teach individuals how to access and work with energy. The next step is imparting an experience to CAUSE an aha moment, that knowing that we ARE this energy, we ARE this beingness, we ARE Divine, there is no “God” separate from us. We are one. 


Pulse of Life focuses on all humans as “artists of life.” Regardless of where we are in our personal journey or what it is we desire to experience in our lives, we are all “artists” ultimately seeking a deeper remembrance and connection to knowing WHO WE ARE, to the Universal Life Force that is the creator and permeator of all things. 


There is much that needs to happen to put this live and virtual endeavor together, even on the most rudimentary level and at this early stage of creation. We are asking for your help. We invite you to join us in whatever capacity calls to you - as a Life Artist offerer, as a Life Artist learner, as a sharer. We will be creating a crowdfunding campaign in the near future to create the resources needed to build this.


At this beginning stage - to be able to even create this endeavor, there are other needs that must be met to get it off the ground before the crowdfund “stage 2” can happen. To effectively accomplish this and to put the wheels in motion, we have created some very special offers to raise initial "working capital" to move forward. To remain in the loop about this endeavor, subscribe to regular newsletter updates about this project on our HOME page. Please share this website with others so we can build a community of "artists" wherever it wants to roam around the globe.


So...we have put together some offers to help generate funds. All are listed and described on the Offerings and Events page. Some are time sensitive.


We will also be looking for "angel investors" when we reach that stage.


We are deeply grateful to all of you who have taken the time to visit and read this website. Only those who get this longing for deeper connection to the Pulse of Life would do so. Thank you for your support. We look forward to future sharing and collaboration very soon.

Om Shanti ~ May Peace and Loving Kindness Prevail on Earth ~ In Lak'ech

~ Myrrh de Marmion



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